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Become a Member

Sesión de discusión empresarial

Become a member of the ICRA® Society and access multiple advantages in the certification of your projects, connect with international industry professionals and access specialized training given by ICRA® managers on project investment and financing.


ICRA® Society Members

Regular ICRA® Certification

Fast Track. Reduction of certification times from 20 days to 8 days.

per each application

Application Fee per each Certificate.

per each application

ICRA® Expert Assesment & Consulting

per each session

All applications included.

All applications included.

x1 yearly session

Replacement Certificate copy

per each copy

All copies included.

Detailed ICRA® Certification Report (additional to standard ICRA® Certificate)

per each Report

50% OFF
per each Report

ICRA® Certification upgrade due to positive regular inspection


50% OFF

Access to all international ICRA® Official Certification Centers (OCC)

Limited Access


Special Promotions and Packages only for ICRA® Society Members



ICRA® Society Membership

The ICRA® Society annual membership fees vary depending on the type of membership:

$ 120

ICRA® Society

€ 120 / year

/ year

The ICRA® Society regular membership is for all those creatives with a project certification volume of up to 10 certifications per year.

ICRA® Society PRO

$ 299

€ 299 / year

/ year

The ICRA® Society PRO membership is for companies and/or creatives with a volume of certified projects of more than 10 certifications per year, and with specific discounts for project packages.

In addition to all the advantages of the ICRA® Society, all PRO memberships have up to a 50% discount for each certification for project packages.

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Are you ready become a Member?

mujer de negocios

How to apply for membership?

All memberships are managed from the Official Certification Centers (OCC) affiliated with ICRA® according to the geographical location of each member. 


When applying for membership, depending on the country, the corresponding OCC will contact you and will be able to answer any questions you may have and continue with the analysis of your application. If accepted, the OCC will be in charge of taking the following steps.

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